Remodeling a kitchen can be an overwhelming task. Many tackles and angles must be address, to minimize unpleasant results. This area of the house is not only the heart of the home but also one of the best improvements to increase real estate value. So please take it as a genuine investment opportunity.
Here are the steps we consider important when remodeling a kitchen. Pay close attention to them and don’t skype any step in order to obtained positive results:
Take measurements accurately. Every inch matters, leaving little to no room for mistakes.
Select all appliances, sink, and plumbing fixtures. They will determine the necessary space, location, and technical requirements for installation.
Determine the desired style and select the aesthetics and finishes for cabinetry.
Pay close attention to the interior quality of materials, especially wood and hardware. They provide the structure and bones for long life.
Determine the best layout for the available space. Consider access, windows, adjacent rooms, columns, ceiling heights, and other elements that can and will influence the final design.
Select countertops and backsplash material along with edge profiles.
Check for needed lighting improvements and be generous with the specifications– this is a vital element in the design.
Verify the local building codes and compliance with the proposed work. Special permits might be required.
Do not do it yourself if you are not an expert. Poor quality and delays are unnecessary price tags.
Do not start until a complete and precise budget is obtained. Know beforehand where funds are coming from and leave room for any unforeseen – be sure that they will come!
Important to share an old principle of kitchen design, called the KITCHEN TRIANGLE RULE. It is a simple concept that has been proven necessary to obtain functional results. Such theory states that a kitchen's three main work areas: the sink, the refrigerator, and the stove should form, a triangle. each side of the triangle should measure no less than four feet and no more than nine feet and, ideally, the perimeter of the triangle should be no less than 13 feet and no more than 26 feet. In other words, not too small and not too large.